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Making healthy eating and weight loss EFFORTLESS!

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

The professional nutrition counselling world has very few opportunities like this! I am elbows-deep in creating a specialized and personalized nutrition course for a unique type of student.

Ever wonder what life would be like if healthy eating and cooking came with absolute ease and pleasure?

It’s possible for you!

The answer isn’t found in quick-fix diet plans, meal delivery services, or the latest diet or supplement trend.

Time and again, research points to continued supportive feedback and guidance from a health professional, personal goal setting and lifestyle change coaching, and a fiber-rich, plant-rich diet as the simplest, happiest, and easiest way to maintain a healthy weight and prevent chronic disease.

It’s a lot simpler with me!


Maybe you’re fairly committed to any diet plan that comes along, but you’re thinking: ⁣⁣


∙I want to know the best way to eat for ME.

∙I wish it were easier⁣⁣ TO SUSTAIN…

∙I could do better at clean eating⁣⁣!

∙There must be another way⁣⁣ other than DIETING!


There is. ⁣⁣


NourishMNT is a Dietitian-created and supported program that empowers you with tools to become the fully alive and well, nourished and healthy human you want to be!

We will work together to cure your mindless eating, giving you the solutions that have worked for hundreds of my clients before you. You won’t have to keep feeling like you’re on and off track, because your body will be taught to automatically desire healthier choices.

And the best part?

I’m doing all the rough work for you - helping you decide what to eat, when to eat, and how to organize your environment and thoughts to best enlist your body as a PARTNER, not an ENEMY, to achieve your optimal results!

Join me today as your coach and Dietitian to ensure your chance of successful healthy lifestyle change!

The NourishMNT course will OPEN for the VERY FIRST TIME in August of this year. I am beyond the moon excited for you to have a taste of the truly empowering set of skills and knowledge that so many of my clients have experienced before - only this program covers it ALL.

I'll be covering the bigger picture of health by first teaching the small minute details of how to nourish your body at a cellular level, through syncing up organ systems with your external environment. Add on the beautiful summary of all I've been reading on the subject of behaviour change, psychology, positive thinking, and manifesting your true values in the way your day is planned out - you'll be laughing all the way to the grocery store!!! This program is meant to help you quit dieting forever, to complete master your mind and emotional eating, and nourish your body for lasting health and boundless energy!

To quote my two-year old: "Oh ny doo-ness!" What a wonderful world it would be to finally be free to invest energy and thinking into something other than WHAT TO EAT. I'm so excited to get this into your hands.

If you want more information on the program, please drop me a line or sign up to receive updates at the link below.

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