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A precious little arrival... and how life has changed for us!

Bri the Dietitian

Who would I be if I didn't honour our newest precious little thing with a special announcement...

Welcome baby Natalie! Also known as Nat, Natty, Nutella, and many other delicious names.

Smile for the camera, baby! Say, "lychees!"

I hope this little bit of joy finds you well also.

You know, having such stunning photos of my little girl has me reflecting deeply upon the vast difference of what I anticipated and imagined motherhood would be like, how my ideal days would flow, and what my struggles and conquered challenges would be throughout these years.

The reality is far different from the perfect images you'll see while scrolling away on social media.

To be honest, I only have lately justified using social media to go on the hunt for "good news" - like someone's wedding photos, engagement announcements, other new baby arrivals... Doesn't it seem that good news is hard to find these days? A glance at the world news makes it feel as such for me, so in the moments where I had ten minutes of mental space to waste, I voraciously scrolled for such announcements to "keep up" with simple acquaintances long gone. Recognizing what I was doing, I reflected on how much I have to be grateful for, and my soul found rest once again, like this peaceful sleeping babe (who, by the way, doesn't stay this peaceful for long in the daytime hours unless you are cooing back at her or feeding her!).

Our search for health through nutrition may be not so far from this truth also. We search and search for that perfect formula, some of that good news, some outstanding solution displayed in a neon sign just for us. It's just too bad the good stuff is overcrowded by way too much... other stuff.

Let's promise one another to grow a little this week in our ability to REST. Find the good news in your own life right now. Pinpoint the good things you're doing for your health already. And, if you feel like we're long overdue to connect, send me a quick - or lengthy - update on what is good in your life. I would love to hear it.


Have a wonderful fall season.


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